Use our courses toward a CDA Credential and for NAC and CDA renewal.
All Care Courses are accepted by the Michigan Department of Human Services toward the yearly training, professional development requirements for program directors, site supervisors, licensees, lead caregivers, caregivers, assistant caregivers and volunteers in child care centers, family child care homes and group child care homes. All of our courses may be used towards STARS organization rating.
All Care Courses are approved by the Michigan Registry (MiRegistry) and most are approved towards Great Start to Quality.
To get MiRegistry training credit, please ensure that your Michigan Registry ID number is added to your Care Courses account.
Managing Health and Safety in Child Care or Sanitation for Disease Prevention in Early Childhood Programs can be used to meet the prevention and control of infectious disease training, which includes immunizations [R 400.8131(4)].
Keeping Infants Safe meets the below requirements for childcare staff members and directors in centers, family child care homes, and group child care homes:
Getting a CDA qualifies you to work as a Lead Caregiver in a childcare facility
Lead Caregiver Training [R 400.8122] 18 CEUs in Early Childhood Education/Child Development
Lead Caregiver for Infants and Toddlers Training [R 400.8122] 4.5 CEUs in infant/toddler development and care practices
Foster parents in Michigan may use our courses for the 6-clock-hour annual training requirement. First, however, the foster parent's agency licensor must approve the topic/title of the course the foster parent selects.
For those of you interested in starting a day care or home-based child care facility in Michigan, please contact your state licensing agency using the contact information below. The licensing agency can give you advice on the requirements, rules and regulations of your state.