So I'd like to send out a few samples (once they're cured!) of soap to some testers from my FB page. I want to send a questionnaire with it for them to fill out and tell me how they like it. I know most of it is going to be personal opinion, but I'm interested in seeing what people are looking for in handmade soaps and if my soaps are meeting their preconceived ideas. I want to know how they like the lather (was thinking scale of 1-5), how they like the feel, how they like the fragrance (too strong, too weak?) I was also thinking of putting in an area for comments (or specifically asking what they like, dislike, and things they'd like to see changed).
I was going to suggest not using the soap on children under 12 (older maybe?), and explaining that because this is a test I'm not sure how it will react to a child's skin. I was also going to explain a few ways that handmade soap is different from store bought soap and how it may feel different on your skin, and may take a few uses for your skin to adjust from the store bought to the handmade.
I don't want it to be too complicated, but want to get thorough feedback, if someone was testing your soap, what would you want to know about it?
I've been a tester for some different soap/bath & body companies and basically here's what they have me do:
Rate bubbles, lather, strength of the fragrance, size of the soap, texture of the soap, color, packaging. Then have them tell me what they enjoyed about it & why. Then what I didn't like about it & why.
I also have to fill out waivers before being sent the testers that ask about all my allergies and/or skin problems or any other health problems and agree not to let anyone else use the testers.